Survey Designs’ quantitative survey first, and ‘Multi case-multi site case study’research design, as the second approach. The ‘Explanatory Mixed Method Design’has been employed for this study through two phases being ‘Cross Sectional In this study, respondents from Felda youths aged 18-25 years have been sampled from 11 selected location in Kuantan Malaysia. Towards the ethical parameter namely akhlak and moral, mode and lifestyle, family and social interaction and eating habit (food and beverages). This thesis is an attempt to provide reference and solutions to this globalization issue and aims to extensively describe the globalization influences

InĪcing the globalization era, they have to be given special attention so that they could avoid its negative influences.They must be supplied with right view and solution that can help them to strengthen ethics and moral in line with the religion of Islam, its culture and They are the future generation who will take the decisive role in the development of the nation and country.

Globalization had brought both positive and negative impact in many aspects of life and the most vulnerable generation to this global phenomenon is the Muslim youth.